Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Before you begin....

I feel that I must preface this post with a disclaimer: I do not work for IKEA and as much as I might wish otherwise, I'm getting nothing from mentioning them so often in this post.

So you saw my new bed. I am rather fond of it already. I picked it up at IKEA, bastion of inexpensive furnishings to assemble on your own. In case you've never been to an IKEA.... Saturday's not usually the best time to shop there - but it was the day I had time to go, and so, I went. At least I was wise enough to use the product finder on the website, so when I arrived, I could go directly to the self-serve warehouse and pick out what I needed. Aisle 30, Bin 24 & 25. Aisle 28, Bin 3.

A small problem - apparently, IKEA does not expect you to be a single woman shopping alone for a queen size bed. The box was big, and rectangular, and over my head.
Workaround for small problem:
  1. Walk to end of aisle.
  2. Press "help" button.
  3. Wait.
See cute tall guy who had previously held door open to self-serve warehouse. Smile.

"Do you need some help?"
"Yes, actually, I do. The bed I want is too large to take down from the shelf by myself"

Cute tall guy helps manuever 63-lb rectangle from shelf onto unwieldy cart, with combination of head, arms, deftness, and commentary on the difficulty of shopping at IKEA alone.

I politely offer my thanks for his help, and another smile, and proceed to the checkout. While standing in line, I mentally kick myself for not even asking Cute Tall Guy his name. Because he was helpful. And cute. And oh well, it's too late now because I'm paying for my bed and I need to go home and put it together and OMG would I *really* ask for someone's number at IKEA?!

Home again, I work on a variety of other house related projects through the afternoon. After dinner, I decide I should put my bed together. I open up the 63 lb rectangle, look for the helpful assembly instructions, and discover that - yes, I really should have asked for Cute Tall Guy's number:

See that?
  • Flat head screwdriver.
  • Phillips head screwdriver.
  • Bed assembly buddy.

IKEA... why didn't you put that on the outside of the 63 lb. rectangle? Why?!

Lesson learned - if a nice, cute, tall guy offers to help with a bed - it's probably a good idea to at least get his phone number.

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