Friday, May 3, 2013

There once was a man named Michael Finnegan....

The title references a song that can repeat forever,  thanks to that handy little rhyming phrase "Begin again"
So, beginning again with this blog that should lead to a helpful habit of writing, even when it is hard. Welcome back whoever has missed me.

To bring you up to speed on the big things that have happened since last year:

  • My daughter is attending a charter Montessori school.  She loves it. She loves learning. She's a whole new kid in terms of confidence and ability in being able to discuss and address a problem on her own. Changing schools - totally the RIGHT MOVE.
  • Son is in kindergarten. He is a natural at school, and I have very few academic concerns for him.  He's reading at a second grade level, started karate this fall, and my only real worry is that he's ridiculously outgoing and affectionate.  Dude doesn't understand the concept of stranger danger.
  • Still dating the great guy, probably will do that forever.
  • My dad passed away in early April of this year.  That's a post (or more than one) all on it's own.
  • I'm working on a novel.  It's in very rough form right now, and needs a lot of attention that I haven't given it lately.
Things I want to write more about here:
  • Vegetable gardens, dirt, and worms.
  • Cats. (One of mine is an idiot)
  • Schools and standardized testing (which is dumb, IMO)
  • Bragging about my kids (and sometimes complaining, because parenting is both)
  • Other stuff that I think about.
  • Dancing. 

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