Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good Sunday

Today, my hashtag for Twitter was #GoodSunday.  Why?  Because I have been feeling poor lately.  I am trying to save money for an addition to my house, as well as decrease my debt load, and start saving for a replacement vehicle.   There is no extra money in the budget, and yet - things still break, the kids needs shoes, etc, ad nauseum.   Also known as - wow, I'd love to win the lottery even if I don't ever play.

I know when I feel broken financially, counting my blessings is the one thing that gets me to re-focus from the stress of money.   Counting things like children who express love for each other,  a visit from my niece and her friend, raised bed garden planters being built by someone who loves me,  pumpkin pie, sunshine, knitting.   They are simple things.  They are worthwhile ways of spending the time I have been given.  Time it turns out, is an even more precious commodity than money.

 I may never be wealthy according to my bank account,  but I know that my life is rich with love and shared experiences. I value and treasure that.  And so - Good Sunday.

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