Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On death and tap dancing

Friday - Holiday dance recital and lots of messy snow.

Saturday - snow shoveling, Christmas tree decorating, Holiday dance recital, present shopping.

Sunday - crazy day with lunatic children, message from my mom and no chance to call her back.

Monday - Called mom back. My aunt had had a serious stroke, and the prognosis wasn't good. Call later that morning to say aunt had passed away. Leave work early, cry, talk to family, and figure out travel plans, arrangements,

Tuesday - Cram a lot of work into a day. Pick out gifts for Toys for Tots. Shop for yarn. Go to tap class.

It is a weird mental juxtaposition to me to put death and tap dancing next to each other. But the events of this month have been marked by those things. The still quietness of death... the vibrant noisy tempo of tap....

I love my aunt. I am sad that I won't see her again on this Earth. Her laughter, and humor, and beautiful kindness will be missed by more people than just me. There's a stillness in my heart where her memory lives.

I love my tap class. I enjoy the challenge to my feet, the sounds, the rhythm, the energy of movement. It makes me laugh and smile, even when I frown at my misbehaving heels, toes, shuffles, spanks, and taps.

Stillness and noise. Sorrow and joy. Tears and laughter.

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