Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do I have a "type"?

In the course of the past few weeks - in separate yet related discussions - it has come to my attention that I do not have a "type."

The smart-ass in me denies this. I assert that I am type O neg, and therefore, my type match must also be O neg to avoid harmful side effects such as blood clots that lead to stroke or heart attack. (An aside - I am a very nerdy smart ass.)

But that's not the type being discussed. Do I have a type? I don't think I do. I can't think of a "type" that fits the men I have dated or been interested in previously. The commonalities were:
- great smile
- articulate
- humorous
- taller than me

Is that sufficient for "typing"? (Shut up brain... puns about typing on the keyboard are NOT relevant to this thought process)

If you know me, do I have a type? And what type am I? Yeah, O neg.... I got that far.

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