Monday, January 30, 2012


Really? September? That long, huh? Well - automated calendar functions aren't going to lie, it really has been that long since I posted anything here.

Instead of publicly berating myself for being a slacker, I'll just type things onto the interwebs until I feel talked out. Done.

No, not really, that was simply my poor attempt at humor.

What's new lately:
  1. Daughter is being evaluated for ADD / ADHD (Attention deficit) at the urging of her teacher. Initial prognosis is that she is anxious, not hyper. Ongoing frustration with the teacher means that daughter will likely be switching schools, because the problem is not the girl, but the classroom environment. I don't want this to be a scathing post on the quality of teaching, daughter's teacher is a very caring and involved teacher - she just doesn't know how to reach my child where she is. I am hopeful that we can find the right place for my girl, because I know she is smart, and funny, and bright, and I would hate for her to lose her curiosity and love for discovery in a pile of worksheets. This whole experience is one of the reasons that updating a blog that has a readership in the 10's has taken back seat to life.
  2. Son started preschool. Just 2 days a week, but the logistics of transportation have been interesting.
  3. Juggling work, kids, and a relationship. These are all good things in my life.
  4. Taking dance lessons. They are fun. Have formed the new opinion that anyone who works in technology should be required to take social dance lessons.
  5. Still haven't won the lottery, or found minions who are willing to work for free.

And that's about it.

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