Thursday, May 26, 2011

Owwie things

I've been neglectful of writing. Partly because I'm busy, and I don't have the habit of prioritizing writing yet. Partly because I don't always know what I want to say.

The latest things to say are all "Owwies."

Owwie 1

- because my daughter has really been struggling with schoolwork this last half of the year.

What do you do when a kid struggles with schoolwork? My smart, observant, funny, active, creative child does not like worksheets. They are boring. I get that. I hated busy work in school. But because she doesn't do them, she is falling behind in "speed" for math, and writing. She's not keeping up with her peers, and she's astute and sensitive enough to feel singled out and dumb as a result. Thanks, Ms. Teacher. Nice work. I have ideas to work on with my daughter, to encourage her desire to learn and know... but it is hard to see her hurting and struggling with "busy" work that doesn't encourage her interests or intelligence.

Owwie 2
- because I got an ear infection that hurts like bad swear words.

That's all my whining. It's minor. There's medicine. It will pass.

Owwie 3
- because several people I know have recently been diagnosed with cancer.

I'm really starting to loathe cancer. People I grew up with, who are funny, and smart, and silly, and brave, and wonderful should not have to deal with all the uncertainty, fear, and chemo. If I could have my way - no one would ever get cancer. They would die of old age, having lived a rich, full life and leaving a legacy of love.

Owwie 4
- because in the past month, two young friends of my family have died suddenly.

See above. I know death is a part of living. I believe that there is a God in Heaven, and He has planned our days. It's just hard to say goodbye, and hard to see the sorrow that comes from a sudden passing. Fairness isn't a factor in the equation of time - I know this too.

As far as posts go - this isn't full of my usual optimism and humor. Those things are still in me, but they are under band-aids right now as I recover from some owwies.

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