Saturday, April 16, 2011

Words that start with "W"

As I type this - it is April 16th, and there is about an inch and a half of fresh, wet, slushy snow on the ground outside. I tell myself that I'm Minnesotan, and I can handle this, and heh - this kind of winter keeps the less sturdy and reliable out of this state. But inside, I am thinking "It's been snowing since November. I should move to Texas. They have grass and flowers in April."
In my nearly 4 decades of life, I can remember only 2 winters this long and disgusting.... and in neither of those winters was I solely responsible for snow removal. It does get old. I am hoping my budget next year can support hiring someone to do it for me.

Also as I type this, I have water in my basement, still. My house is old, it doesn't have a sump pump, and I'm two blocks away from a lake. The snow melt has raised the water table, and I'm getting seepage up through the floor. I was moderately heartbroken to realize that in order to make my basement a finished, livable area, I will need to invest some serious money into keeping it dry. And even if I can accept some dampness and leave it unfinished - I still need a sump pump.

So there's my whining for this month. Spring needs to get here, before I start hating snow forever and to help some of the water evaporate so I can assess my basement and at least re-seal the concrete.

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