Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Since October....

Okay - that last post was very introspective - externally in my life:

Insulating an Attic:
  1. You will never look hot in the safety gear required to insulate an attic; safety goggles, dust mask, head scarf, long sleeve shirt, long pants, and thick shoes.
  2. You will however be hot.
  3. It is messy, and dusty, and immesely satisfying.
  4. I would never want this for my full time job.
  1. No one cried, balked, needed to pee after the second house, rode in a wagon this year.
  2. Everyone said "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween" and "Thank You."
  3. Trick or treating with a train and an adorable scary witch was awesome.
  • Tap dancing is ridiculously fun, even though I'm ridiculously bad still.
  • Snow is over-rated.
  • Binge reading is my worst vice. Really.

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