Wednesday, October 13, 2010


There's a ubiquitous phrase that I'm starting to hate - "Think outside the box."
What box? A shoe box? A boxy car? A situation you are stuck in? The compartment of expectations that people have for you? Honestly, what good does it do to merely think outside that box?

Why am I thinking about boxes? Because I hate feeling like I've been put in one. I rebel against other's expectations for me. I don't want to be coddled and protected and kept on a shelf. I need and want to know that I'm capable that I can try things that challenge me, and *IF* I fail... my family and friends will be there to pick me up and say " That was a GREAT try!"

How will you know what you can do if you don't try? How small will your world get if you stay in the box? How small will *you* get if you stay in the box?

LIVE outside that box. Stretch out big. Push yourself. You'll have plenty of time in a box later.

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