Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bright and shiny

Today started out on the ridiculously grumpy and crabby end of my emotional spectrum. I woke up too early. It was raining. I forgot to eat breakfast before leaving the house. Traffic sucked. My computer was horrifyingly slow and email wouldn't open. I stopped for good coffee and a scone. It got me through restarting every thing and then calling tech support. One hour of the morning - gone.

This doesn't sound like an auspicious beginning to the day, and quite the opposite of bright and shiny. Depressing and sad almost. Stupid morning.

But... dah-dah-daaaah (pretend that's a heraldic blast of trumpets) Co-workers to the rescue!! The email issue was not just mine, and I was not the only writer in my aisle who woke up too early on the grumbly side of the bed. "Caribou coffee?" was the query - and the day that was all gross and grumpy started to improve.

So what if I was hopped up on caffeine for most of the day. So what if technology was a thorn in my side. I work with some really bright and shiny friends - and I'm so glad.

Plus - any group of co-workers that has an un-official plan for dealing with a zombie apocalypse is pretty darn awesome. You can be jealous now.

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