Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kindness and words and poison

I read this post today, on Wil Wheaton's blog.
It's about depression, and how it lies.  (See also http://thebloggess.com/  and http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/  for other bloggers who tell the truth about the lies of depression)

This is the line that struck me:
 I put a drop of poison into myself.

And it made me wish this poem:

I wish for a fountain,
A deep well, of the best words.
Where a soul poisoned by ugly sounds like
idiot  asshole  nigger  fag  retard  stupid 
could find healing by drinking the words
beautiful wondrous brilliant unique human spirit
You are needed. Be here.  Be at peace.  You are loved.

We speak so many awful things to each other,  and to ourselves.  It should be even easier to say the beautiful things to each other.  That we love. That we admire. That we are grateful for the funny creative idiotic things that happen in our lives with these other humans on the planet.

I don't really have a point with this post except to say you are a bright sparkle in the world.  Be kind to yourself.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The BEST kids

I try really hard to not brag about my kids.  Not because they aren't worth bragging about, but because there's more to me than just being a mom and because I don't want them to think they are the center of the universe. But today,  I am going to brag about my kids.  Because I can and because only like 4 people read this blog and I'm one of them.

Today, my kids went to the Children's museum, because they had the day off school.  They each brought some of their own money along, so they could get candy or a toy when they were there.  They didn't spend it all on themselves.  P donated one of her two dollars to the museum fund for low-income families to attend, because "every kid should have this kind of fun, Mom"  R bought candy, but gave half of it to a homeless veteran they met on the street on the way back to the parking garage because "It's super cold today, and he probably doesn't get to have chocolate very often."   I LOVE those brilliant, generous hearts!

Tonight,  R was wondering about being a manly man. He has decided he's going to be a manly man who plays silly pranks.  Except, he's not going to do that to his kids, only when they are grown up and will know he's teasing. I don't know why that struck me as so sweet and funny, possibly because "manly" and "prankster" do not often combine with the image of a man tenderly concerned about not hurting his children's feelings.

And bedtime... I used to have a love / hate thing about bedtime.  The ages P & R are at now... I just love bedtime.  It's when we have conversation about the day, and my amazing little (BIG) children tell me that I'm the best mom in the history of mommies. I got to let them know that the reason I'm the best mommy is because I came from a long history of great mommies,  and that someday - they will get to be the best mommy and best daddy on the planet.  I try to be the best mommy for them, because that's what best kids deserve.    And they do.  And I will keep trying.